Monday, April 09, 2007

Would it really be mean?

My Cousin has been logged onto yahoo instant messanger for many, many hours...and his away message has said, "Out to lunch" since yesterday.


It is taking all of my self control(everyone knows I don't have that much),not to make a comment about that. Ooohhhhh, I could have some fun with that!

Its really so tempting.


Darlene said...

People tell me I'm 'out to lunch' all the time.

Netter said...

Really?! You always seem so with it to me. I always assumed you were quick witted. Now when you leave a funny comment, I'm going to wonder how may hours it took you to think it up.

Anonymous said...

Go for it!! You only live once and he does have fair warning that you are the famous Netter.

He just gave you an opening!!


Anonymous said...

Well, if his message has said "out to lunch" literally since yesterday, then he truly must be "out to lunch" in the figurative sense.

Hey, I'm guilty of not changing my message and you've caught me at it quite a few times. *snicker* Does that make me "out to lunch" too? LOL

Anonymous said...

Well did you do it or not??

Oh the humanity..
