Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sorting socks

This is how I spent my evening last night. I found a bunch of matches though, so it was worth it. When I wash clothes and then fold them, I toss the loan socks into a basket up on the shelf of the laundry room. I noticed yesterday that the basket was extremely full, so I dumped the whole thing in the washer, then transferred it to the dryer and started spreading them on the floor in an attempt to find all their mates. I'm happy to say that I found a crap load of my favorite goofy socks but a few are still missing. Two of my very favorite socks were not found. It's sad, but I have faith that they will turn up again. Maybe they are stuck inside a pair of shorts that were packed away for the winter. I'm crossing my fingers. Anyway, that lovely mess is still on the floor. I was tired from the memory/match game. You'd drop a sock down and then you found the match but you had to remember where you put its double. It's much harder when you are surrounded in the sea of socks. Sam's going to be excited. His sock pile just doubled.
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Unknown said...

wow thats a lotta socks!

I do the same though with the lone sock basket.

Netter said...

LOL, yeah, I kind of ignore that big basket most of the time. I just toss the socks up and forget about it. This is a sock house. WE have lots and lots. I'm the one with all the crazy socks. If its silly and won't match anything I own...its a sock for me.

That is about 6 months worth of lost socks. I have atleast one missing pair in each load or two.

Millie said...

when I saw the title, I thought they were all your have a crap load of them... nice to know they're not all yours though....glad it's your job and not mine.... lol lol

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Looks like a really fun night!LOL

Anonymous said...

Holy sock shock, Batman! Now I know where my missing socks are!

Kare said...

Oh my heavens Netter!
I have never seen so many socks in a house before. And we've raised 6 kids here. At the same time. With both of us. That makes 8.

Anonymous said...

Jeez.. I should put you on the crime of all of our missing socks!!!

Have a good one and don't buy any new socks!! LOL


Peg said...

I agree with Mandy and Sue, and I'm buying plane tickets to come & retrieve my socks! :D

I don't understand it. The kids are mostly gone now - there's just the 2 of us - I change my clothes after work and put them in the laundry basket, and the socks STILL go missing.

Maybe it's some kind of cosmic law.

Summerysmile said...

LOL!! Wow, is all i can say! :)

Rockstar Mom said...

Holy Hound Dogs Batman! That is a crapload of socks.


Netter said...

LOL, yeah, yeah, we have a ton of socks. Actually part of the white socks will not fit Sam anymore because his feet have grown. So it basically leaves all of my crazy socks.

Anonymous said...

Holy sh-- Thats a life time supply of socks. I can tell yours from Sam's. YOu and your sock fetish.I don't loose socks I just loose my undies.

Netter said...

Vickie! OMG, have you looked for your undies on Uncle John? lol

Priscilla said...

My socks don't make it to the wash. They get carried off by one or both of the cats and hidden.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess that's one thing you don't need for your B-day!

Kym said...

I'm thinking of sending you my lonely socks...maybe you could find matches with yours...

Court said...

Look at all the socks are you sure you don't have some of mine.. LOL!! Some of mine are missing. HUMMM is the dryers linked in some way? HUMMM! is the mystery solved? LOL!! Have a good day.. Hope the week gets better with the construction stuff.

Lucy said...

I HATE SORTING SOCKS!!!!!! I did get a book recently tho that tells you what to do with lone socks.....I'm going to do it soon and post a pick...keep your eyes peeled for this one!!!