I woke up this morning in a glorious mood. That ended the second I walked into the kitchen. I stood there, hands on my hips, steam coming out my ears. The place was a frigging mess. I have a thing about a clean kitchen. I can't stand dirty counter tops and splatter all over the sink. That is exactly what I found, along with dishes sitting everywhere, some clean, but mostly dirty. They must have washed a few dishes but instead of drying the ones that didn't fit into the strainer they piled them so high that the pile shifted and things were everywhere...floor included. There was some kind of powder all over the stove, so they can't tell me they actually wiped it down. Their were clumps of stuff smeared all over the counters and drips running down the doors of the cabinets. On top of all that crap they had the sink full of dirty dishes and the trash was running over.
Grrrr, I DO NOT like to wake up to a mess like this. I'm more likely to stay up and clean it up at night than to ruin my day with it in the morning. Who is responsible? Well let me put it this way. If Nancy were home, it would have been much neater. She left early to go back to Boston for the trial she is working on. Sundays have become Sam's cooking day with his old Nanny. I think its great that they have their special time together and even better that Sam is cooking. I just expect them to clean up after themselves. When Nancy is home, whatever they don't tidy up she cleans up after them. She must do a lot more than I ever expected.
I'm in the kitchen scrubbing away and Sam is in the den, watching the news before he goes to school. He says, "We made the best supper last night." To which I responded, "That's really great, but don't you think it would have been nice to clean up after yourselves a little better and not leave it for me?" He said, "We Cleaned the kitchen for an hour." I said, "OMG, this is the result of an hours cleaning? REALLY?! Hmmmmm, next time you better clean for two hours, or until you actually have it clean. It's not very nice leaving this mess for me to deal with." I made him come into the kitchen to see what I was talking about. Plus I made him throw out the food that they didn't store in the fridge...because I sure wasn't going to eat it after it sat out over night and I knew Sam wouldn't. He doesn't do leftovers anyway. As I pointed out the mess, he acted surprised to see it. It's really a good thing that I'm not a violent person because I could have gone postal this morning.
The kitchen is now spic and span. The dishes are all put away, the dishwasher is running, the trash has been taken out. Sam has been set straight and I am drafting an email to his old nanny who happens to be one of my ex-friends, for a multitude of reasons that I won't even go into right now...but this shit is going to end right now. I will not have her leaving a mess for me to clean up on Monday mornings, its bullshit and this is the kind of stuff she likes to pull. That is what I get for being nicer to her lately. I should have just remained silent and cold...at least then I had her so intimidated that she wouldn't think to leave that kitchen such a mess. This is what I get for being nice.
Give her shit! I cant believe Sam left it like that, knowing how you are. Geez! Kids!
Hope your day gets better! Hugs!
Oh Netters, I totally sympathize. That ex-nanny got an inch and took a mile. What a ho-dawg. Let 'er have it Netter! And if you need my help, just call. I got a whole bag full of passive aggressive tricks.
OOOOhhhh the fun we could have! We could call Raine and get her in on the fun too. Say...you think she's got an extra one of those special mirrors???
I'd be pissed off, too! Damn!
I'm what's known as a redder-upper....I get some sort of "high" when things are messy and I can clean them up....you should have called me then went back to bed!!!
Oh snap!! I think he is on the "bad" list!!
****Giving hugs******
I hope your day goes better!
Netter, Sorry it has been a bad morning. I would be really pissed too. There is no since when ppl know how you like to have things. That was very rude. Give her HELL!!
Marianne~ Raine is friends with her, so I won't let her get involved, plus she wouldn't anyway.
I wrote a little email and sent it off. If that doesn't work, I will just have a convo with Nancy but not until after her trial is done. Sam knows I was very unhappy about all this and he is old enough to have better judgement...but then again, he's a kid.
I just think the whole thing was very rude. I'm over it now. The weather is to nice to spend much time in a bad mood.
I swear it's almost like you are married but somehow have several spouses and all the agravating benefits...when he's not setting kitchen towels on fire while cooking Christopher is famous for "Cleaning up in the kitchen" so well that I have to come along and do it ALL over. Why don't you put a list on the fridge called "Netter's Kitchen Rules" and then a list of punishments that will occur if they aren't followed!
Raine~ Why should I put up a list...they are all old enough to see and understand that they are leaving a mess behind them. Plus, if I actually put it in writing that I will beat them a turkey baster, that could be used against me in a court of law. Best to leave them guessing.
Shoot... a turkey baster? What about a 2 X 4? Much more effective, IMHO.
Oh, and sorry about the first suggestion. Just nix that idea.
K. Thx. Bi.
That's true...never leave a paper trail! Good thinking Nett! Any special requests for special things brought back from special countries for special people's special days?
I kind of get a little manic when Danielle leaves a mess like this. Just ask her how "crabby" I get. Must run in the family.
Poor Nett. That was so rude of her. I wish I could think of something fun to pull on her but my brain is fried (and has been for the past few months, which is why I stopped blogging). :P
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