Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Chris!

OOPS...Tomorrow is Christopher's birthday...Raine's hubby. Yes, its his birthday, so all together now...

Happy Bithday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, Dear Christopherrrrrr,
Happy Birthday to you!

I have a little giftie for you. You can have it this weekend when we meet.
Ok, I totally got confused and thought today was his birthday...but I know what I did wrong. Today is my friend Ylenia's birthday instead. I flipped them. Dang it. I need to try to find her phone number so I can call her in Switzerland. Crap, I thought I had another day to do that.


Anonymous said...

You nut. His birthday is April 18. It's the thought that counts and that's nice (and a bit funny).

Netter said...

WHAT! Why did I think it was today. SO SHIT...I know why. Today is Ylenia's birthday. I got them confused.

Kissiffer said...

Thanks Nett! It was nice seeing you at the weekend. Those Benets were superb!