Tuesday, April 24, 2007

...and away they go...

I'm mailing the blogaversary prizes today. So five people should be watching their mailboxes, they will be receiving their prizes. I decided not to post a picture of the packages that way they won't know right away if they won the Grand Prize because it is in a different type of package than the runner up prizes.

Special note to the Grand Prize winner: I need you to take a picture of the special thing that I made for you and send it to me. I forgot to take a picture of it before I sealed the package. I seriously almost opened the package but I decided against it.

That's all. I need to get a move on... I'm dragging today.


Kare said...


Kare said...

Can you get some rest today?

Netter said...

Rest! I only wish. I actually took it easy this morning but I have a crapload of stuff to get done now. I'm off.

Anonymous said...

Just give yourself extra "you" time. So that you can get your blood press. down.

I hope your week and weekend are beter!!


Desperate Housewife said...

Are you PMS-ing? That's my problem today.

sara said...

You are so effecient!

Rockstar Mom said...

I can't wait!!!