Saturday, March 17, 2007


Yesterday was pretty crappy. We had a full day of sleet. If only it could have turned to could have been lovely. Well, instead we were stuck with ice chunks in our rain. Luckily, I didn't have to leave the house all day yesterday. I only went outside to get the mail and get something out of the van. The rest of the day I did laundry, cleaned the house, you know....all the fun stuff. Hey, atleast I wasn't shoveling 3 feet of snow. I went to bed around 8 PM last night and I was OUT....and woke up only twice during the night. I guess I should feel rested..but I'm not. Oh well. I think I'lm going to go check the movie listings for today. Toodles.!


Anonymous said...

Have a fun day!

Peg said...

Ick! It must have gone south of us or something. Our temps have been 20-30 degrees cooler than the couple of great days we had, but not much precip.

Well, this way you have your stuff done so that when the sun comes out you can play!

Anonymous said...

My brother said it was like 4 hours of shoveling bags of cement. Ugh! Luckily his neighbor lent him their snowblower!

Kimberly said...

I came home from work on Friday and it said it was 91 degrees. 91 ... in March. Quite a difference from where you are. I can only imagine what horrors await for us in Bakersfield in the summer - lol.