Friday, March 02, 2007

Grab your Lederhosen....Aunt Vickie is 53!

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You can't sing have to yodel it. Ready, and a one, and a two..and a three...."Happy Birthday, to you ode a lay...Happy Birthday to you, ode a lay....Happy Birthday, Dear Aunt Vickkkkkkkie, oldie lay heee hooo! Happy Birthday to you, ode da lay!" Cindy tried to tell me you were 60....put I protested, see I'm not entirely evil.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Netts Aunt Vickie!

Netter said...

Yeah, she's gettin' old, but she sure does keep you on your toes. You have to watch her...she's sneaky.

Anonymous said...

Oy vey I can't read anything on this page, there's no white backsapce just the folded fabric. And the past few days it wouldn't bring up the comment page! What's happeeing???? Make it stop!

Netter said...

It's not my fault. Its must not like you. Everything is working for me.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Vickie! Hope you held onto that outfit, you never know when lederhosen will come back into fashion. ;o)

Kare said...

Happy Birthday to Netter's Aunt Vickie!

Rockstar Mom said...

Is it a coincidence that you typed "oldie lay" when yodeling....and if you insert one have....

are you ready?

Oldie lady.

I never met you Aunt Vicki, but I think it's a shame your niece Netters is poking fun at your age on the world wide web! But try to have a happy birthday anyway.


Netter said...

LOL...I totally did that on purpose. You just don't know my would be helping me if you did! No, in all seriousness, Aunt Vickie is a wonderful person and has a great sense of humor. She has a young spirit and a gal couldn't ask for a better Aunt. She'd post a birthday slam for me if she was computer literate, but lucky for me, she has issues. lol. For the record, my cousin Cindy also has a post dedicated to Aunt Vic...See Cindy's Corner listed on my side bar

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everybody. That was my Junior High picture a couple years a go. Netter I don't know what you are up to saying all those nice things about me are you scared that I might do something. Thanks for the birthday cake It made me gag. Were do you get all this stuff. Your day is coming be prepared. I may have learned how to use the computer and playing dumb. Did you know I had to feed and put up with your dad last night for few ours because he had to go back and push snow. I feel like a motel for you guys. but he did come and push the snow that they piled in the steet in front of house The last snow. Guess were he pushed right infront of Dick H---- house. I love it. Oh and I'm only 46.

Netter said...

46 my A$$ were born in 1954, check your math. You might be able to sucker...not me.

Oh, and you called me a smart A$$ on Cindy's site! lol, well, I can't really deny it.

Birthday alerts for March: Lonnie, Danielle, Greg. Make note, send cards.....someone has to remember these things!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. That picture is amazing. GOtta love old fashions.

Anonymous said...

What does Katie mean buy old fashion. Doesn' She know that she should respect her elders.