Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The tissues are really piling up around here. Two days...two NEW boxes of tissues used up. Yeah, TWO. I have been sneezing up a storm and my eyes go back and forth between being dry and itchy to itchy and full of tears. I'm house sitting at night, across the street. Brianna is Sam's age and her parents went on a little trip to Jamaica for their 20th anniversary. They asked if I would just sleep over so Brianna isn't at the house by herself. I make sure she takes care of her dog and the cat....she loves them both so there is no problem there. I'm not allergic to dogs or cats but I suddenly realized this morning...maybe they use TIDE. Holy crap, I hope not. It would explain a lot though. Either way, I have two more nights to sleep over so it shouldn't be so bad. I had to take a humidifier over yesterday because the first night it was so dry in the house, I couldn't stand it. I went through so many glasses of water and my mouth still felt like cotton, my nose hurt with every breath of air...DRY! Last night was much better. MUCH. Molly came and woke me up this morning. Molly is the dog. She was moaning in my ear, while she was straining to reach my head with her sniffer. She isn't allowed to jump up on the furniture and doesn't even try anymore.
I have a jar full of Blogaversary entries.....I'll post the picture later.


Anonymous said...

Netter, have you taken to throwing tissues out the window? I don't blame you, I hate allergy season. I'm sending good health ju-ju your way. Oogalty-boogalty!

Kare said...

Uh oh.
Would a walk outside help?

Anonymous said...

Maybe its the spring time allergies starting... The plants maybe the issue at hand...

Or maybe dust in the home (not that they don't clean).

You could rewash the sheets with whatever brand you use!!

I hope this helps..


Desperate Housewife said...

I have no idea exactly what I'm allergic to, but I go through Kleenex like nothing most of the time.

Netter said...

Sue~ lol, send all the good whosie whatsies my way...I NEED them. My poor sniffer is getting chapped from all this blowing. It's just gross. When I sneeze, its those big, take your breath away sneezes too. Yuck!

Kare~ I have been outside, it doesn't seem to matter where I go...its just worse around here.

Mandy~ Their house is very clean...no dust in site. I think I will wonder over later and see what their laundry detergent is. That might be the porblem.

DH~ I feel for you! I have had more tissue usage in the last 12 months that I have in my life. It's getting a little insane.

Netter said...

Oops...I meant, no dust in sight!

Cindy said...

I bet that there are very few in our family that are not allergic to Tide. I know that every time Grandma Kaster did my laundry, I broke out in hives.

Anonymous said...

I always use tide don't I Net. That is one of the only kind that doesn't bother Johns exzema. So I keep using it.

Kimberly said...

I was sneezing my head off last weekend. Yes, spring has sprung and with it, so has my nose. The flowers are purty, but the wads of tissue in my trashcan certainly are not - heehee

Millie said...

I don't know who you inherited the allergies from... it wasn't me.. most things don't bother me,, except roses.. they do a job on me.. otherwise I can be around anything and not have any problems.. You are just wierd!!!!lol