Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day to you!


Millie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! I like these old time styly cards.. I wish I had kept the ones,(including Christmas) that I found in Mom's stuff when I got ready for her sale.. I just didn't have room to store a lot of the things I would have liked to have goes life!!

Netter said...

See, this is what happens when I am not around to talk you into keeping stuff. I would have loved those cards. DANG IT! Well, in the old house, its not like you had room to store more crap.

Kare said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Netter. Eat chocolate.

Darlene said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you as well! Eating chocolate is manditory today - I think it's actually illegal not to.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, ditto on the chocolate! Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine Day Nett!

Anonymous said...


From the de Koning family