Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I tink I'm tick.

I called the doctor already and can't get in until tomorrow. It seems that everyone is ill. I'm sure I have a sinus infection. I was just feeling better and then BAM, I started feeling crappy again. Over Sat I slept for 14 hours straight. Good sign that I have something working on me. Since then my nose has let loose and I have knocked off two boxes of tissues. At first everything was very clear so I figured I was having an allergy attack of something...then BOOM...the sinus pressure got worse and after a few hours of constant blowing of the old noser, some very thick and frankly, discusting colored snot started coming out. It's really gross. I won't share any more about it.
So, I need to figure out what to take to get me by for another night. Hopefully I will be able to sleep but its kind of hard to when your head feels like a balloon that someone is sitting on and may pop at any minute. Lovely!


Anonymous said...

Try night quil.. or an off brand. it will help you sleep.. I hope you feel better. The night quil should get you through until the doctor!!


Netter said...

I can't take that stuff. It has the reverse affect on me. You'd think I was on speed or something.

Anonymous said...

Netter I have been saying for years that you were a snot Oh just kidding you know I love you anyway.Hope the Doc helps you. take care. And thanks for your help on removing the labels from my milk bottles.Ha Ha. That worked great. Im going to have to drink more milk because I still need more labels. Take care and get better.

Darlene said...

nett: nyquil (sp?) does the same thing for my daughter. I just doped myself up with Tylenol cold daytime & Advil liquid gels for the day & then did the tylenol night with Advil liquid gel cocktail in the evening. I was sick, but the drugs made me not really care. Oh! and 1500mg of vitamin c.

((((hope you feel better soon))))

Anonymous said...

Feel better Netter! Everybody is sick now... my freakin' roommate has the chicken pox!! I mean, who gets the chicken pox twice??? Weird.

Anonymous said...

Not again! Bummer! Hope your feeling better soon, Netter. Have some honey-lemon tea.

Netter said...

Vickie!? Milk bottles? Oh right....MILK BOTTLES! Who are you kidding.

Sue~ I went to the doctor today and had tons of tests done. Yuck...That's a whole new blog.

Darlene~ Could you even drive with all that in your system...lol.

Andi said...

I use Zicam on the first oncomings of a cold. It kicks butt! I just stocked up today. Theres a local elementary school here that all the kids got sick with flu symptoms so they had to shut the entire school down for a couple of days. They hope to reopen Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hubby was sick for three weeks straight. He drinks that Nyquil crap that's souped up... I don't even want to know what. (It has the same effect on me, Nett.) Take a looksy at the Isabella catalog online, let me know if you need any of the homeopathic remedies in there. I'll send it off a.s.a.p. Hope you're feeling better now!!!

Darlene said...

nett: yeah - bumper cars! lol