Saturday, December 16, 2006

Let's consider the source, shall we...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I called my parents house earlier and my Pop answered the phone. You never really know what you are going to get when you talk to him. I usually go with the whole, "his lips are moving, so he's probably spreading manure" line of thought. You need your hip waders around him, it gets pretty deep sometimes.
So, I was chatting with him and he suddenly says I can't talk to my mother..out of the blue. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSo I ask him why. He says she's not home. I ask where she went and he said he didn't know. She didn't come home from work. Hmmmm. So, I said, "You mean you have no idea where she is and you are home." This is a complete role kind of took me off guard. That is when Dad said, " Nah, I know where she went. She went to see those male dancers, what are they called, the Chippendales?"
I said, "Yeah right...whatever." He said, "No really, she went with Betty. I don't know when she will be home."Photobucket - Video and Image HostingNow, I know better than to believe this. For one thing, I really can't see Mom and Betty at a male review....I'd pay money to see the looks on their faces though...hehehhe. Secondly, I knew that Mom was still at the school, collecting money for the ball game. So, I told him he was full of SH#T...and he laughed and I said, "I'm so blogging this." LOL, that is when he said, "Hey now, you are going to get me in trouble." Yep, that sounds like a good idea to me. It never takes much work to get him in just kind of happens on its own.


Anonymous said... find the most sexy images to place on here. You gotta the adult version of the "Truffle Shuffle" I noticed my snowman on the christmas tree that I made at your house and had to say hello. Meri, Roy and I miss you. Will you please to me a favor. Have pictures of hot chicks dancing around the next time you need to post new images. Knowing your humor, you'll find a picture of a baby bird dancing in a frying pan. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Netter said...

MATT! OMG...where the hell have you been hiding! Florida...sheesh! I just prepared a Christmas card for you guys...I've been thinking of you. I miss you too. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

ROFL - that Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze sketch is one of THE funniest to ever grace the sets and lights at SNL.

As for your dad's "story" - omg that's rich. What a gem he is!

Anonymous said...

OMG you dad is a card... ROFL at that dancer!!

Netter said...

Oh yeah, my Dad is something all right...what that is exactly, varies by who you are talking to. LOL..sad to say, I'm a little bit like him...a real card. Except, I would have totally sold that story...not like his pathetic pitch. Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

You have a sort of stripping theme going...first Santa and now the Farl. The Vegas Chippendales a word...intelligent...because you know I admire them for their brains and not just their bodies since I think objectification is wrong. But Sheena has to seriously be restrained from running off with one of them...good times!

Desperate Housewife said...

Netter, I've been a bit out of the loop for the past couple of days, but is that a picture of Santa's ass below?

Netter said...

Dh~ lol, why yes, it most certainly is Santas little tush.

Anonymous said...

Ick! That Chris Farley in a bow tie is making me ill. Blech!

Netter said...

lol, have to admit, it took guts to dance around like that.

Anonymous said...

And does he ever have a GUT!!

Millie said...

Tough luck, netter. He made sure he told me the story as soon as I walked in. He heard me and actually got up off his "beloved" couch and came upstairs and told me.. the whole story of what he said.. I didn't figure it would stop you from blogging about it, though... I know you, a little