Monday, November 13, 2006

Things that sting in the night.

OK, so Sam was in bed last night and he heard a buzzing sound. He assumed it was a fly and covered his head with his blanket and then BOOM he was stung on the arm. It seems he had a yellow jacket loose in his room. Not good, not good at all. Well he slept in the living room last night because he was freaked out about it. He'll admit that he has an irrational fear of bees and wasps anyway.
Come to find out he has been hearing a strange sound above his bed for a few days. He also noticed a new crack in the ceiling but didn't really think much of it. He said he was going to mention it to me but forgot about it. Anyway, he told me all of this after the fact. I went in his room to investigate. I found another yellow jacket in the hall and one in his room. I killed them both. Then I was trying to figure out where they were getting in when I noticed the crack on the ceiling...but it was funny looking to me. I stood on his bed and with my fingernail, tapped the crack mear the area that looks like a hole. BAD MOVE, a yellow jacket dive bombed me and I took off like a bat out of hell, shutting the door behind me. I promptly called the pest control specialists. This funny little guy came out, investigated the crack and listened to my story. He said I was luck that I didn't push on the crack because my hand would have gone right through the ceiling. The nest was directly above that hole. They had dug into the drywall looking for warmth. He smoked them and then spayed them from above with a powder.
The crazy thing is that they air conditioner guys were up in the attic for days and never saw a single yellow jacket. Brian said if he had, he would have mentioned it because he is allergic. MAN! That would have been amess if he got stung. Luckily, the wasps were below the spray insulation and they were in the tight they were entering and exiting though the siding on roof line, far from the A/C guys. Sam has to sleep in his old bedroom (he moved to the larger room when his Sister graduated from College) and who knows, he may never go back. He has serious issues with those bad boys. I don't blame him. I was only stung once in my lifetime but once was enough. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

I am allergic to bee stings and I cant stand the little buggers. Glad everything got worked out. Hopefully he will go back to his room!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! Yellow jackets are nasty, angry buggers! Poor Sam! My daughter has serious bug and bee issues as well. Glad you got that all taken care of.

Desperate Housewife said...

My ex in-law's great big old house had a terrible infestation of wasps or hornets one summer...they were in the walls, and when they sealed up the hole they were getting out, the little bastards started coming in the house around the windows! Hundreds of them, luckily only a couple at a time. It turned out the walls were full of them.

Anonymous said...

Scary, scary, scary...when I hear buzzing I can never sleep and always have to find the source before I can sleep.