Monday, November 13, 2006

A day in NYC...

I spent most of Sat with some Great friends. I went in to see Raine and Chris. We had planned to go to the Brooklyn Art Museum but Raine was kind of tired and suffering from allergies so we decided to go to the MET and bum around Central Park. We ate lunch at the Museum and ofcourse I made the big mistake by not getting hot chocloate. I had a sip of Chris' and it was amaizing....I mean it was to die for. Really, it was GOOOOOD. Dang. We walked around the park, sat on a bench for a while and chatted. I handed Chris my camera and he took some pretty pictures (upper left and lower right) then he did a group shot of us...(upper right) and later we sent him off to play with a soccer ball he found sitting in the grass all alone. I joked that having a husband is like having a kid. You feed them, give them activities to drain their energy so they will crash, sleeping early so you can get some peace and hopefully get a lot done. After Chris was done playing we hit the book store and then we went to Alice's Teacup for tea and yummies. I had hot chocolate in the hopes that it would be delish like the h.c. at the MET. wasn't but the Chai Tea was great as well as the pumpkin scones, White Rabbit Chocolate Mousse and the little BLT's. It makes me feel full just thinking about it. After that we went to the movies where we watched The 3D version of Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas flix. I was home by midnight. You know, its always great to spend time with friends. I'm always happy to do fun things with them but I would of had just as much fun if I was helping them do laundry. They are the best. Period, end of story. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a grand time!! Great snapshots!

Anonymous said...

What a glorious day in the city! Oh how I miss NYC!

Anonymous said...

The sweetness...but you must amend, I think only me (Rain) as THE BEST because as you recall Christopher made comments about you being up for all sorts...or something to that effect...with married men? I however, would never question your honor is such a way. :)

Desperate Housewife said...

Oh, God, that sounds nice!
I would really, really like to visit there again one day.

Netter said...

Raine~ You are so right. Your husband was very naughty and twisted my words and turned an innocent remark into something dirty and kinky to boot. How do you put up with him! Married men are no-no's....its bad Karma.

Tami said...

Alice's Teacup? Like "Alice in Wonderland" Alice? Oh, I've got to get to New York. Just once before I die and I want to go to Alice's Teacup! (And see my friend Annette, of course!)

Netter said...

Tami~ I like how you added that at the end there. Nice We could go to the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park afterward. It would be fun.

Darlene said...

Oh Wow - That sounds sooooooooo awesome!