Monday, November 13, 2006

Look what I found...

This sucker is huge...HUGE...and I found her sitting on the floor in the basement bathroom. Not something you want to find looking at you in the morning. It's a Camel Cricket. I had to look that up because I had never spotted a cricket that color or that large before. I should have put a quarter down to show you how big she was, but I wasn't really in a state of mind to add props so I just scooped her up in a jar and tossed it outside on the deck table. She was quite a hopper. Anyway, I was nice and let her go but honestly I was tempted to squash her. If she makes her way back in the house, she's dead. You know its been said that Crickets are a sign of good luck. Do you think this means I should buy a lotto ticket? Hmmmm. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Now in my house that would be consider a plaything for He would have chased it all over the house!!

Anonymous said...

That is weird I have never seen anything like that.If it brings you good luck remember me. Your favorite aunt.

Anonymous said...

This made me think of one of my favorite books growing up: "A Cricket in Times Square" but it made me wonder if the writer duped me becazue the cricket in that book slept in a matchbox and this monster doesn't look like it would fit...

Netter said...

Brandy~ I would have gladly shipped mister Hopper to you for Rascals enjoyment...but I had already gave him the old toss outside.

Vic~ How did you worm your way into my good luck cricket rights?

Raine~ You know the only match box he would fit in would be one of those LARGE matchboxs like my Grandma kept to light her gas stove with. Even that would be a tight fit. The sucker was HUGE.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crow!! I never saw a cricket like that in NY!! Ack!