Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another relative in the hospital?!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI don't think I should go home for the holidays after all. I just found out that my Godson/Cousin, Zach has been in the hospital after he fell on a basketball and as a result his spleen was bleeding. Rumor has it he was actually screwing around and balancing on the ball when he fell...but that is just a rumor. I hear that he is going to be released from the hospital tomorrow, so he is doing really well. No ball for him for a while though. I wonder if they put him in a room with Uncle Jim, that would have been fun.


Anonymous said...

You better be careful when you go home! We can't have you taking ill...a bleeding spleen sounds ouchie, maybe you can submit it to the scriptwriters for Grey's Anatomy--I've never heard of that before.

Anonymous said...

Hey netter---

Off the subject... I have new postcards for you from Colorado..

I hope everything is going better..


Netter said...

Thanks never know with my family. Did you have fun in Colorado? I'll email you my address. I'm excited, I love postcards.

Darlene said...

holy crap, I hope everything's gonna be okay.

Millie said...

No, they were not in the same room. Jim was in 1 and Zach in 8. Opposite ends of the hall.. by the way, jim is in bryan east- rm 663 as of case you want to send a card.. He's been told 3 times that you are going to kick his butt if he doesn't come to christmas.....he smiles and chuckles..