Monday, October 16, 2006

Things that make me cry...

Sheesh, this is kind of embarrassing, but I'll tell you anyway. I was watching an episode of Little House on the Prairie while I was folding clothes. Yeah, it gets better....I found myself not folding and totally engrossed in the show with tears rolling down my cheeks and I was sobbing like a big baby. THERE! I admitted it! I was blubbering. I know, I was as horrified as you are, once I calmed down and blew all the snot out of my nose. I now proudly proclaim that I am pathetic.....pitifully pathetic.
So I thought I would make a short list of things that have made me cry in the not so distant past and that I am sure will trigger tears in the future.
~Little house on the prairie...especially the early years when Laura was young...and of course at the end when Albert was sick.
~Hallmark commercials and their made for TV specials...I'm not proud of it but atleast I don't blubber over those terrible Lifetime for Women shows. Sometimes the coffee commercials get to me and so do Christmas commercials.
~peeling onions
~email forwards about sick and dying stop sending those things to me!
~After School Specials...remember those pathetic shows form our youth? They were terrible but I can't help it.
~hearing or seeing a friend or family member cry...its very hard for me, unless I made them cry on purpose and then its kind of funny. Joking, joking...sheesh.
~That Extreme Home Makeover Show...its those sad stories
~When people die in medical shows like ER or when Denny died on Grey's Anatomy.
~accidentally inhaling cream me, that would make a lumber jack cry like a newborn baby.
~when my feelings are hurt by someone I thought was my friend.
~when someone says something about me that is so sweet and heartfelt.
~When I hurt myself, like when I open a cupboard door, bent down to pick up a can and smacked my head on the bottom of the door when I stood up quickly and almost caused myself to pass out as a result. I can take a lot of pain so it has to REALLY hurt.
~when I think about those I loved that have passed on
~hearing about people who have lost every worldly possession in a natural disaster.
~reading or watching the news
~when I break something that is the little ceramic kitty that I got from Mrs Barr.
~laughing so hard I snort and can't catch my breath.
~pulling a bandage off my skin...don't laugh, it hurts
~sliding off the seat and landing on the bar of a bike...OUCH, I thought I was going to die.
~doing something loud and embarrassing, usually in a public place and involving falling down the bleachers in JR high, or falling on my butt in front of Penn Station in NYC....but the tears are usually from laughing out of embarrassment. This one tends to happen to me a lot.
~getting dirt, sand, soap, an eye lash, or someone else's finger in my eye....that never feels good.
~poking myself in the hip with the pencil I'm holding in my hand, causing a small gray scar from where the tip punctured my skin. That takes a special kind of talent, people.

I'm sure there are more...but I'm tired and my eyes are watering so its time to go to bed. OHHHH ~being overly tired causes me to cry...add that to the list.


Anonymous said...

LOL I refuse to watch that Ty home makeover show. I'm a blubbering fool afterward! Buuuuut, they came to SD and that show airs on the 29th of this month so of course I have to watch that one. It'll be the watercooler talk at the call center for a week after, I'm sure.

I loved your list. lol

Anonymous said...

Remember when Joyce shaved her head on Amazing Race? OMG, I was crying like a baby! In fact, all that sappy stuff makes me cry. I'm a big baby. *sniff* Hand me a tissue.

Darlene said...

ooh, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! I am not a country music fan AT ALL, but every now & then, my husband will say, "Honey, just listen to the words". I cry so much that I want to hang myself.

Cindy said...

I cry over a lot of things, and any sad show. I cried when Fivel Mousekewitz went overboard on the boat and was seperated from his family. Another time when I cried a lot was when I asked my brother how bad could it hurt getting hit in the privates. He kicked me there to show me just how bad that it hurt and I cried a lot.

Kimberly said...

Oh yeah - it doesn't help when in almost every Little House episode has someone crying in it. You know what makes me cry? Those pet shows on Animal Planet where someone has to put their dog or cat to sleep - total bawlfest!