Monday, October 23, 2006

I miss the Tan M&M. When I was a kid, they didn't put Red M&M's in our pack. They had been pulled years before, because of something to do with the red coloring causing cancer or birth defects, I really don't remember exactly but it wasn't good. Then one day they figured out how to color it without killing their customers and Red was put back in the packages. The only problem was they got rid of Tan. The next thing you know, they added Blue. They had some kind of stupid online voting for the color they would add and blue won. I sure as hell didn't vote for Blue. You know, I miss old Tan. Sure he was bland but he melted in your mouth and not in your hand, just like the rest of the gang. He wasn't flashy and he didn't scream for attention but that was part of his charm.
They had a special addition package of M&M's a while back, perhaps they were Star Wars M&M's...I don't remember for sure, but I do know there were Tan ones in the package. Who was Tan hurting...nobody, so why pull him out of the package and replace him with Blue. It was just rude. Now you can special order any color M&M's you want. It kind of takes the fun out of it.
I bet you are wondering what got me on this subject in the first place. I was standing in line at the store and noticed a package of M&M's with all the other candy. I was reminded of my M&M eating habit. I eat all the same colors together in a certain order. Dark browns go first, followed by Blue and then Red...then I move on to Orange, then Yellow...then Green is last. It has always been like that...except when Blue and Red were not in packs and Tan took their place. Actually that is the order I eat plain M&M's if they are peanut, I reverse the Green and Yellow...Yellow is always last. Don't ask me why...I'm just strange. If they put Tan back in the regular packages, I would eat Tan last out of respect. Sheesh! Don't even get me started on how I eat Kit Kat Bars or Twix.


Tami said...

Is this some kind of compulsion disorder? Actually, I also had a certain way to eat M&M's. I did not sort them by color - I just took them out of the bag one by one and put them in my mouth. Then I would eat all the candy coating off and finally suck on the chocolate inside until it melted. One bag of M&M's could last for an hour for me.

Darlene said...

RIP Tan M&M's - you will be missed. (I actually had no idea they even existed, but I'm sympathizing with you, girlfriend) :o)

Netter said...

Tami~ lol, I have issues. You shoudl see how I eat a Twix bar..its pretty strange.

Rockstar Mom said...

This was funny. I was the same way with my M&M's as a child...but I outgrew it. One day, I'll tell you about the personalities I gave to the numbers 1 thru 9.

But i can't do it right now. I have an appointment with my therapist in 20 min.


Anonymous said...

I remember when they took out red because of "red dye #2". I didn't know what it was but it was bad, whatever. I don't remember tan! Was there a tan?

I always eat my m&m's in order two. First, sort by color. Then eat color by color until an equal number in each color left. Then eat color by color until one green is left. Then you're done!

Anonymous said...

Too, not two! Sheesh!

Millie said...

what is this that everybody eats the green last??? I do, but I happen to like the color green, so that is why I save them til last! Why does everyone else?