Thursday, October 12, 2006

Boy goes BOOM in the night.

I was curled up in bed last night when I heard a really loud sound. It was somewhere between 1-1:30 AM. It startled me at first but then it was quiet so I figured something just slid or a picture fell. I wasn't so worried about it. Then this morning, Sam is telling me how he fell out of bed. I couldn't help it, I started laughing and told him I think I heard it. He was fine, didn't hit his nightstand or anything. he said he used to fall out of bed all the time and it has been a while since he has done it. I had to tell him about the time I fell out of bed when I was 4 or 5...I was dreaming that I fell off a cliff and I woke up just before I hit the ground in the dream, only to hit the floor for real. Then when I in second grade, I fell from the top bunk of our bunk beds and smacked my head on the rocking chair sitting next to the bed. That hurt like a...(insert naughty work here.) My Mom ran into my room to find me sitting on the floor rubbing my head. I remember how much that smarted. I think I knocked some smarts out of my head that night...ouchie.


Anonymous said...

Owie and double owie! I don't think I ever fell out of bed. Unfortunately, I have no excuse for my behavior.

Anonymous said...

That explains a lot of things.

Netter said...

HEY! lol

Cindy said...

What kind of nanny are you? You hear a thud and do not check it out? LOL Just kidding. I am one to talk, my daughter fell at school and I laughed. But first I did ask if she was alright.

Anonymous said...

Ouchie!! :(

Unknown said...

Glad to see you back. Everyone gets in a funk sometimes. Part of life!! Have a great weekend!!

Netter said...

Cindy~ If they would have been away on a trip, I would have investigated...but Cliff was home...and once they are home, I'm of duty.

Sue and Miyon~ He said it didn't hurt and he has not bruises to prove otherwise.

Brandy~ Thanks

Kimberly said...

hehe - I have fallen out of bed a few times - once because of a dream (just like the one you described) and another time when I was a kid sleeping over at a friend's house and she knocked me out of the bed. I hit the night stand and made a bump on my head - ouch!!!