Sunday, August 27, 2006

Only an idiot....

Only and idiot named Netter would charge her camera battery and not put the CF card in the camera when she is going on a road trip to drop Katie off at college. DANG IT! So many photo ops, so many! I swear, I really swear! I wanted to take a picture of the lovely traffic we hit on the way home. That is what you get when you are heading back toward the City on a Sunday afternoon/early evening in August...we should have known. Yep, the New Jersey Turnpike resembled a parking lot at times....and the rest stop ladies room line was sinful. Seriously, If I really had to go, I would have used the mens room. Who cares if the guys are lined up in front of the urinals...its not like I haven't seen it before. I'm telling you, the ladies line streched the entire width of the rest stop. That is a loooooong line, people. When Jim came out of the mens room after a minute....I went back out to the van with him. Anyway, Katies room looks pretty far as dorm rooms can look after a few hours of setting them up. She didn't get first pick of where her bed would be but she ended up getting the best spot because we noved the way her bed was sitting. Speaking of Katie...her birthday is coming up and I have several plans in the works for, she is going to flip out. Mwahahahaha!


sara said...

My daughter leaves for college in a year. I shall learn from your mistake. :-)

Netter said...

Oh yeah, don't forget your CF card. I have pics of Katies Freshman year but I totally screwed up this years. I do however have a picture of part of her pile of things to take from the night before.

Desperate Housewife said...

I dropped my camera and broke it on the way to go whale watching on the weekend! Did I ever feel like a tool.

Cindy said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one who does stuff like that.