Monday, August 21, 2006

Let the mess begin!

I found a little desk on the side of the street the other night...and it was in really good shape as far as the frame was concerned. It is an extremely well built desk. It will fit in my bedroom perfectly and I'll finally have a place to do my letter correspondence. AKA snail mail.....which, I do every blue moon. Seriously, I do. Anyway, The paint was chipping off in a few places so I decided it was going to have to go. I'm stripping it off and then when It is done I am going to sand it and paint it. I think I am going to decoupage the top of it and then put a glass top on it. It has two drawers that fit in the front but I had removed them to take the paint off. When I am completely done, I will let you see it. Don't expect it anytime soon though. I still have to decide what color to do first. Then I have to get a hold of my Mother and make her dig in my craft stuff at home for a couple of things I need. She is going to love this.......NOT. It seems like I am always making her look for things. Hey, I delegate with the best of them. Posted by Picasa


Cindy said...

How do you find these things?

Netter said...

Oh, trash pick up is on Monday mornings and sometimes people put stuff out early...big stuff like chairs and desks and stuff like that. Most of the time things are broken but this desk, besides the peeling paint was sturdy...and I circled the block three times before I decided I needed to stop and check it out. I needed a no-brainer project.

Anonymous said...

You know what else you can do is...

Make a colage (spelling is wrong, but I dunno how to spell it LOL) of pictures and put them on the top of the desk. Then you go and get a piece of glass and put it over it. You can change the pictures whenever and they won't get ruined!! You get to display all of the pictures you can never find a "good" frame for!


Millie said...

Yeah, you make me look for things in strange boxes or places, but I guess I owe you after the garage floor and driveway, not to mention patio bricks...Just don't want it "Yesterday"....I just have to figure out which books, because I don't remember any such books.. Refresh my memory!!