Thursday, August 31, 2006

Calgon...take me away!

Picture this: I finally managed to go back to sleep. Suddenly I am awaken. I'm not sure why, but I thought I heard something. It's quite now though. I close my eyes, roll over and cuddle into my pillows. There goes that noise again. What the heck is it? It sounds like a dripping sound. Where the heck would a dripping sound come from? Wait, there it is again. I get out of bed, walk over and turn on my light. I don't see anything, I don't hear anything. Hmmmm. I shut the light off and just as I get ready to crawl into bed, I hear it again. I walk to the foot of my bed. The carpet is really damp, which doesn't make sense because I have the dehumidifier going full blast and it wasn't damp before I went to bed the first time. Hmmm, I walk over, turn on the light, step back over to the foot of the bed and that is when I see it. Little drops of water falling from my window to a basket of papers that I have sitting under the window. I lift the curtain and notice that the sprinkler outside my bedroom window has been knocked around and is now spraying directly into my screen and drops of water are seeping though my seal. NICE! Just NICE! I go get some towels, dry off the wall with one and then roll it onto the ledge. the whole time I am muttering words that should not be muttered around children...yeah, potty mouth. It's 4AM.....what do you expect me to do, sing a Disney song?! I moved my basket, towel dry the carpet as much as I can. I clean out the basket and lay the papers I want to save on towels on the washer and dryer. Why the hell does this kind of stuff happen to me when I am tired, grumpy and have a headache? Is it just me or is this the kind of thing that happens to everyone. I really hope others don't suffer through stupid stuff like this at odd hours of the morning.

I'm taking a deep breath now.....I just took some pain medicine for the old thumper and I'm going back to bed now. I'll deal with the window situation in the morning....I mean, later in the morning. Sigh......this bites.


sara said...

I am not reveling in your frustration, but it is nice for me to hear that others have this kind of crap happen to them, too. I ask myself the same thing when I am cursing and ranting in frustration.

Netter said...

Miyon~ Oh ,the papers were nothing of great importance, just some craft directions and pictures I had saved for future reference or ideas. I really had a mess this morning. It's been raining a lot here, but I think its a sprinkler head issue. I went outside and it looks like it got bumped and turned. It's not an in ground pup-up, its an above ground head that is in the flower bed. At one point so much water was leaking in that I the towel I had rolled up on the window was drenched and it was making a huge wet spot on my curtains. This is a matter of a minute or two...what a stinking mess.

Sara~ I hear yah! I know how you feel. I swear that there are times really wonder if this kind of crap happens to other people too....sorry to hear that you are in my boat a lot. Hopefully the tide will turn, huh.

Kare said...

Hi Netter. Were you able to get back to sleep at all? And you are not alone in your journey.
; )

Netter said...

Hi Karen! I did manage to go back to sleep around 5:30....and then I over slept. This day has not started out very well. I have high hopes that it will improve before lunch. Wish me well!

Unknown said...

Awww I am sorry you had a rough morning. Hope the headache went away. I get migraines all the time and they are no fun. Have a better day!!

Netter said...

Thanks Brandy~ the headache is still hanging in there, not much change, but as you know..these things take time. I'm in the midst of trying to dry out my carpet. I called the sprinkler guy but it always takes him forever to come check on things.

Desperate Housewife said...

Hey Netter...

If you're going to try Maeve Binchy, I would recommend "Tara Road" or "Scarlet Feather." They're really good.

Netter said...

Thanks, I'll check them out!

Kare said...

Circle of Friends - Maeve Binchy. My favorite.

Netter said...

I'm going to keep an eye out for it then..thanks Karen

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That just stinks big time! I can't deal with crap in the middle of the night!

BTW, Light A Penny Candle by Maeve Binchy was really good too.