Monday, August 21, 2006

1 outta 3, that is pretty bad!

I went our for lunch with Raine yesterday at our favorite....The Cheesecake Factory, yummy. Luckily it was quiet for TCF standards but that may be because we were seated near the back corner. While we were there I let Raine open her birthday presents early. I had the worlds worse luck picking them out. I bought her the Nigella Lawson cookbook titled "How to be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the art of comfort cooking" I knew that Raine was a fan of her artistry. I bought the book months ago. When I was at her apt watching the cats, I scanned her cookbook shelf by the kitchen and was happy that I didn't see it. Well, come to find out, she did have a copy in her bedroom and I never went in there. Oy depressing...0-1.
Then she opened her second gift. It was a do it yourself guide to the movies. You can keep track of what you have watched and write your own review with a star rating included. I knew it would be something she would like....well, guess what?! She already had it. Dang it! 0-2. Not looking so good, is it. Raine said it was OK, and that atleast I knew what she liked. One left to go.   Posted by Picasa I gave Raine a set of the Nigella Lawson cream colored measuring cups. They look like actual tea cups and they are so cute. Well, you have to have the Nigella measuring cups to make the Nigella comfort food. VICTORY! She didn't have them! So, I was 1-3 for the day, and lunch was on me so I guess you could call that 2-4...but that doesn't sound much better. I tried...I really tried, and the kicker of the whole thing is I actually wrote in the books. I told her to cross out what I wrote in the cookbook and to write "I already have this, yah freak!" and give it to me for

We hit IKEA after lunch and we picked up a few things for Raine, then she had to get back home to check on her poor sick hubbie. Kissiffer was supposed to come along but he thought he was getting strep throat. Even though I don't get was best that he rested and didn't spread it to the world.


Anonymous said...

I loved my presents, and I see a lot of movies so the movie notebook will be good to have on hand as a back-up. when my other one is full and the cups would have been a great gift on their own! But you forgot to add that I brought you artisan made earrings (that you could probably make better yourself Craft Queen) from the flea market in San Francisco as well as a tasty assortment of See's heavenly candy! Oh yeah...and also that I scared ya to high heaven! Plus I want credit for coming out to LI (even though I commute an hour and a half each way EACH DAY to work let me make sure you got that I TRAVEL 3 hours EACH day and still made a mass transit trip on Sunday!) and was still getting over jet lag from SF--and I came out not even knowing there would be b-day gifts to open b/c YOU NEVER left me open anything early. So it was done purely out of love. Yes. Love for my dear friend even more than love for the Cheesecake Factory.

Netter said...

Holy Crap Raine! You totally ruined my next post! Man...I'll still post about it but now the surprise factor is gone. Sheesh....give me time, why don't cha. Yeah, speaking of work...traveling to and from and all....aren't you supposed to be working right now?! What are you doing writing long comments on my site when you should be editing something for the magazine. lol...yeah, Nothin but Nett really is addictive, isn't it! You just had to check up on me to see if I commented about yesterday, didn't you! By the way, I totally appreciate your trip out to see me. I love you too... and so much that I carried your stuff around IKEA and even offered to store stuff in the attic for you. I'm not entirly sure you love me more than the mashed taters at TCF...but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, cause I'm good that way. Remember... there's more to come about the SF gifties. I'm wearing the earrings as I type, just so you know.

Chelie said...

You know what happens to addictive stuff right? People start charging for it... With all the people who make your site a regular part of their day, you could make a pretty penny.

And, the Cheesecake Factory, that place is sooo good. I don't care for cheesecake, but their oreo one was awesome! Chicken strips were good too, but I'm a picky eater.

Anonymous said...

Cheesecake Factory is the best. We just ate at one in desmoines a couple weeks ago. You get so much food. John and I have to share a meal. Just so we can have a dessert. Know we don't share that we get our own.John justs over loads on sugar. Were suposw to be getting one in Omaha.

Netter said...

I know, I know, the food his piled on and its very good. I got a sandwich but I only ate half of it and we didn't have room for dessert.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I can she the cookbook but who'd of thought she'd have the movie review book?! Imagine that!

Netter said...

What can I say, I know what she likes....and lets face it, after the whole Lion King on Broadway mess, I better know.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! What on earth am I saying?! The above comment should read, " I can belive she had the cookbook...."

I'm glad you know me better, Net, or else you'd be saying, "Who on earth is this incomprehensible lunatic?!"
