Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Pop

"What the hell is this? "

"What do you use it for?"

"What do you do with it?"

"What the hell is this thing?"

(finally we tell him)

"Oh, I wondered why it was sticky on the outside. "

"No, I knew what it was, I was just messing with you."

Sure....sure...that's what they always say. Posted by Picasa


Cindy said...

I could so hear your father saying that. What a funny guy.

Anonymous said...

I guess your dad's not one of those fussy types. Funny story!

Netter said...

Dad is fussy about different things. Like how many pockets his shirts have in them....the state of his fishing poles, stuff like that. lol...lint isn't such a factor but since Mom does his laundry, he doesn't have a lint problem.