I was sitting upstairs thinking about what I should blog about in the future. Lets face it, you never know what you are going to get with me. One minute I am all serious and the next I am totally goofing on someone, if not myself. I kind of like it like that. I've been told that my readers don't want to hear about my rants....that they come for my humor. I don't think that is true. I think they like not knowing what they will find, especially the people that comment, because in a round about kind of way... they are my friends. Sure, I may never meet them face to face but, I don't care about them any less because of that. I mean, goodness, when Kip stopped blogging (for a very good reason) I was so sad. I missed him and I still do. He was just so much like me that it was a little scary...I swear we must have been related, that is why we called each other Cousins. Speaking of Cousin Kippy, I should email him. Things perked up because then I discovered Lexie, Sue and Miyon.....all wonderful people, plus I suckered my girlfriends from home to start blogs. Now if I could just get them to blog more. My real cousins also blog so that keeps us close.
Anyway, I'm trying to decide what direction I want to go with this sucker. I thinkI will just keep doing what I have been doing all along...winging it. Doesn't that sound good? I mean, afterall, I'm a pretty jolly person (just ask my Sister) but there are times when I am just plain grumpy....though those days are few and far in between.
So here is what I am going to do....I'm going to start an A,B,C thing. Where I have to blog about something in my life that starts with each letter of the alphabet. "A" will be first.....but I'm not doing it today. Nope, I am going outside to enjoy the sunshine.
I ramble on to, but I usually do it in person. I can go from one subject to another just like that.
Aw shucks, Nett! Thanks for the mention. I'm all moofed! Ain't this blogging thing great!
Good luck with the ABC thing. I can't wait to read them. I'm totally stuck on "I"! Help!
Thanks guys! I'm just going to keep winging it. I've always been a fly by the seat of your pants kind of gal or an over planner....I'm a gal of extremes.
Oy vey...I just hate it when something I've said is just so completely misunderstood or misquoted. But that's not the point, it's your blog and I don't think you should ever let anyone dictate what you write about or how you write you should always just do what's right for you.
what....I think you have lost it.
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