Friday, May 26, 2006

Gee Whiz, thanks a million!

A friend of mine sent me this little attachment. I guess I should take it as a good sign that he doesn't think I am crazy yet...but he seems to think I'm headed there. I hope he knows that he is the one driving me to Crazy Land and he better not think he is getting out of riding all the rides. If I have to do it...he's riding he's sticking around for the party afterward, that is when the fun really begins. Anyone else want to come along?


Olivia Twist said...

Hi Nett:
Thanks SO MUCH for posting on my blog and wishing me good karma. I'll be posting soon and giving an update on the happenings. YES, your right, the middle of the week is the hardest on me.
Hugs to you...
You are SO wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I am already on the ride.....LOL

Netter said...

Brandy~ Oh Man! Can you tell me some good stops along the way? I love side stops on road trips. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nett! I'll meet you when you get here! Mwahaha!

Netter said...

Sue! What are you doing in Crazyland with out me....sheesh. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....perhaps he does not know you so well--because I've known you were in Crazyland FOR YEARS, if you weren't how the hell else did you ever meet me?

Netter said...

Uh, Raine, I think you are confusing me with someone else...and I didn't meet you in was in one of the boarder towns. Just because you can see the lights doesn't mean you are in the town yet.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I remember--I did meet you on my way to Crazyland, where was that place again? Oh yeah--the town of Deenyle! ;)

Netter said...

Ah yes, reminded me why I like you so much. You are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh and here I am thinking you like me because of my pussy cats.

Netter said...

Raine~ Nah, not because of them...all though they certainly are a perk. Hey! Don't you return phone calls anymore?

Anonymous said...

Geeesh! You sound like my Mom! And my sister! And Rosemary! Yes, I do return phone calls when I get then (which I didn't this Sunday and Monday because I forgot my charger at work and my phone died...everbody wanted me to geat a cell phone and now...yay).

Netter said...

OK, problem another charger to keep at home! TA DA!