Saturday, April 15, 2006


Guess what! It's our Easter fammily get together...and guess what! We are in a tornado warning. Yep, the weather is pretty bad right and we are all in Deanna's kitchen watching the weather service announcements. A Tornado was spotted 4 miles form Beatrice....but that is 30 miles from here.

Have a happy holiday!


Amy said...

Yes, Happy Easter Annette. Welcome to Nebraska again. Since Tami is moving back here, any luck you might be moving? Michelle and I will have to work on you coming up this next week! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Stay safe, Netter and have a Happy Easter with family in spite of the weather!
We leave today for vacation so watch your mailbox! (I will be prepared for sneaky post-its!)

Blue Sky said...

well happy easter to you to netter
hope you can keep your feet on the ground. things here are slow Lexie will be home tonight and im really looking forward to her getting here. hope all is ok there.

Olivia Twist said...

Hi Nett..just wanted to say hello, and hope that your trip has been great. Well, besides dodging tornatos that is. Can I call you Dorothy? click your heels, QUICK.