Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The laundry report: Kaster/ Lyons file #2328

I have to admit....Cousin Cindy's laundry pile was under control. I paid a pop visit to investigate her situation. Hey, I warned her I would do that...but she thought I had already left for NY. HA! I'll keep you all on your toes. Anyway, she was all caught up and was starting a load of sheets because she had just stripped her bed.
Danielle on the other hand had not done her laundry in quite some time. She is trying to hide it from me. I hate to tell her this but her butt is not big enough to hide that mountain of laundry. I remember when my room used to look like that. You better get that sucker cleaned up before your Grandparents come to visit for your 8th grade graduation. Better start now Dani!


Netter said...

I do a load a day or every other day because I can't stand looking at it and I don't like spending an entire day on it.

Cindy said...

She does a load about once a week or two. She must get that from her dad, LOL, because it is surely not from me.