Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Where did all the milk go?

Since Cliff had his birthday on Monday and I had purchased a chocolate cake for the birthday boy, all the milk disappeared rather quickly. Yesterday morning there was a full half gallon in the fridge and that usually lasts a couple of days. Well, it didn't this time and I didn't have any milk for breakfast so I had to be creative. I decided to have a toasted tuna fish sandwich with muenster cheese on oat nut bread for breakfast. Yummy! I'm not one of those people that are against non breakfast foods during the early morning hours. Actually, sometimes I enjoy breakfast foods for dinner. Food is food. I don't care what anyone says, cold pizza tastes mighty fine in the moring. I guess I should go take a quick shower so I can run out and pick up enough milk to get us through the week. I miss my morning cereal. I couldn't even have oatmeal because I like a little milk in mine. Oh well! Anyone interested in coming over for tacos...or maybe left over pot roast sandwiches, the next time we run out of milk for breakfast?


Netter said...

Wow! That is a lot of milk. I get on kicks where I crave it. Your hubbie should not have brittle bones when he gets older. I think he is meeting his calcium needs.

denise said...

damn u woman now i am hungry and i am wondering which i should make tacos or potroast. mmmmmuuuuummmmmm i love leftover potroast sandwiches lol