Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm so full I could up-chuck

Well, I had a great time tonight. I went into the City this afternoon and met so wonderful friends for dinner, a show and desert afterward. I felt like I needed to be rolled home. I went against my gut feeling and ordered one of the specials at the Cuban place. I don't know why I do that. I have terrible luck with specials. My chicken was dry and it was very sad...very, very sad, indeed. The show was cute. I like that whole WW2 time period so that had my attention and it was cute. At first I thought...oh no, overacting...but once they got into the show it wasn't as bad. Must have been nerves. After the show and the pushy elevator people, we headed over to Pigalle for yummy for the tummy desserts. De-lish! I caught the 12:05 train home and actaully fell asleep on the train. I rarely do that, sepecially when I am alone. I'm always afraid I will sleep thought a stop. I never have, put there is always that chance. I remember stopping at Jamaca and then the next thing I remember is pulling into Rockville Centre. At that point a bunch of loud 20 year olds got on the train, drunker than skunks and loud as sin. They sat down next to me and they were practically yelling in my ear so I got up and stood next to the doors because my stop was next anyway. Thanks to my cat nap, I can't sleep now. AUGH! I've decided to goof off for a few more minutes and then I am forcing myself to go to sleep.


Netter said...

Cleaning is exciting....Ok, its not but I was just trying to be supportive. I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I miss the city!! Sounds like you had a great time. My dad used to fall asleep on the train on occasion coming home from work. My mother got to know all the train stations along the Hudson River!

Anonymous said...

Nett, it was great seeing you too. We had a good time. Sorry about the chicken.