Sunday, February 12, 2006

Will my plan work?

It is currently snowing. They said on the radio that we are in blizzard conditions. I don't know, I just got home and seriously, its not that bad out. Maybe if the wind picks up a little more and the snow gets a little heavier....then maybe. The prediction is for 10 to 15 inches of snow. I have been going around declaring that we are only getting 3 inches in the hope that my ploy backfires and we really do get a sizable amount. It should work, in the past when I get excited about getting a lot of snow we get diddle squat. Ok, I know everyone that heard me bitch about snow last year thinks I have lost my mind. Well, it is the first substantial snow of the season, so yeah, ofcourse I an excited. One or two more snow storms and I will be back to cursing the flakes. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

hahaha your plan failed, fool.

Netter said...

Damn it! Foiled again! Friggin' Mother nature and her pathetic sense of humor or should I blame this on the weather people istead.