Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ewww! Don't try this at home. I do not recommend licking squirrels, but then again, you all know how I feel about squirrels.


Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? I lick squirrels all the time, and nothing happens... actually sometimes they even give me nuts...
to lick....
and then bury in the ground.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Is that a test lick before the big bite??

Netter said...

Katie! lol, I could soooo say something naughty right now...but I will save it for our next IM. Heehee!

Sue, I'm sure the big guy took one lick and thought, ewwww, tastes nutty.

Netter said...

I used to think they were so cute....until, YES UNTIL, the little buggers declaired war on my pumpkins. We have a whole history. I know I have slammed squirrels numerous times on this blog, you just have to search the archives. They are EVIL!

Chelie said...

Let's hope the giraffe ate it...not too quickly though, mwahaha