Monday, December 19, 2005

Camel Toads?!

Click on article to read. LOL, oh my, that Godmother was confused, wasn't she. Its crazy the stuff they actually post in the news papers these days, isn't it. Well, thank goodness the kid wasn't licking toads to get high.


cityman05 said...

Did you know that I was actually the topic in a Dear Abby Column when I was a kid?

Netter said...

Kip. why doesn't that surprise me at all?! Now you have to blog about that.

Oh- and nice try with the Hans from Canada comment....I didn't fall for it. Now if you would have typed Graham or Kelly....then I would not have been surprised at all. Long story

Cindy said...

Where do you find these things.

Cindy said...

That link at the top is hilarious. I laughed so hard