Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh so evil....

So, this morning Sam tells me that he made plans for me to pick up him and Brianna after school and to take them to the middle school to visit old teachers. I said, why can't you take the bus? He said they would get to the school to late and they wouldn't be able to visit with any of the teachers before they left. I gave in and picked them up. They got out to the van pretty late and by the time I got them down to the school...the bus was a car ahead of us. Uh huh! So then Sam started to ask Brianna if she had her cell with her and she didn't, so he said...well lets just plan on getting picked up at.... That was where I cut him off and said, its a lovely day, you can leave your bags in the van and you can walk home together. AH! I know, evil! After making me drive him to his friends house the other day..three blocks away...I decided since he didn't have homework or any pressing activities until later in the evening...he could get some exercise and I could get some things done around the house, instead of wasting my time sitting in the van. They are always late when they give me a time to pick them up after their teacher visits anyway. It's not like it was raining or the walk will do them good.

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