Friday, September 30, 2005

I have a thing for hearts.

It's true. I never realized it until a friend pointed it out once. She said, "You are drawn to hearts, aren't you." I said, "Nah, I don't think so." Then she said, "Well, for someone not drawn to them, you sure notice them a LOT and you own quite a few things with hearts on them." So, that got me thinking. After fighting the facts for a while, I realized, she was right. I like hearts, I am drawn to them. Maybe that is what I liked about this eye picture...that heart, haunting me. It is a striking image, isn't it. This picture got me thinking. How cool would it be if our eyes gave away our true feelings? Oh could you imagine the number of people always wearing shades...sun glass sales would soar. If someone really loved you, you would see a heart, if they secretly hated you you would see a small crescent moon...ect, ect. That could be very interesting. It would have saved me years of wasted time spent with people that are guarded about their true feelings. Ah, but its not meant to be...we have to suffer it out, I guess. It would have come in handy when a certain someone kept sending me mixed signals....tis life.


Cindy said...

It must run in the family because I love hearts. I have quite a collection of them.

Netter said...

me too....isn't that funny. Who would have known, if it were not for my little blog, huh.

Anonymous said...

Just thought you and Cindy should know that your Grandma loved them also.

Netter said...

Really, I didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

I have Heart allover my house. Kitchen wall paper has hearts . I have allways liked hearts

Netter said...

Ok, stop it, you are freaking me out.

King OSirLucas said...

I've been told that I have a haret in my cseht, but taht is olny waht I hvae been tlod. :P