BOO! I'm excited already! I just love Halloween. It brings back lots of good memories and of course a few cases of sugar shock but I didn't bounce off to many walls. Of course I always think of Uncle Randy when I think of Halloween. I think I love this holiday almost as much as he did. You know the end of August is hard to get past because that was when he died, the end of September is hard because that was when his birthday was..he would have been 45 this year, and the end of October is hard because of Halloween. I guess it is all in the way you look at it....its hard because he left a lasting impression on me. Would I have wanted it any other way? NAH! So, now when I decorate for Halloween I think of him. I am in the process of working on my homemade tombstones. I will take a picture of them if I ever get them finished. I have to just remember that they don't have to be perfect...you know how I get. Can anyone say obsessive perfectionist? Its sickening. Sometimes things look better when they are just slapped together, especially for Halloween.
I know I bought a bunch of crap on clearance after Halloween last year. I can't remember what...but I can't wait to bust it out of my storage containers in the attic. Maybe I will bring them down this weekend. I personally feel it is to early to actually start decorating...but who says I can't go over my stock and figure out what I want to do this year. Oh....this is going to be FUN, FUN, FUN. I'll update you on my progress at a late date.
yeah i will agree with you these three months are about the hardest months out of the year. but anyways halloween is my faviort holiday to b/c it makes me think of him to. its also fun to still go out and get t he candy even though i never eat it and it just sits in the house till easter its still alot of fun to go get the candy and to get dressed up.
ohh and by the way that was from me shannon i kinda for got to put my name ha ha love ya shannon
I figured it was you before I actually saw your second comment. Please tell me you are not going trick or treating as a Senior in H.S......oh dear, sweet, Lord! I was embarrassed to be seen trick or treating once I was in Jr high. Oh well, everyone is different.
we are in halloween mode here too...tablecloths, window stickies...candy corn ughh
Ah, its that time of year...people eating those terrible candy corns when they don't even like them...just because they are there.
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