this is not a picture of Eric....no, it is a picture of Captian Hook, cant you see the hook on the end of his hand. That isn't a purse he has slung around his shoulder, its a pirates bag filled with his treasure...ok, its just Katies plastic jewelery but not to Eric, I mean the Captain. That is not a plastic Crocodiel Dentist game on the floor its the real Croc from Peter Pan....and that isn't a Twister game it's a the rocky shore, and you have to jump on the dots...aka rocks to escape from the tic toc of the croc. I wasn't allowed to be Tinkerbell or Peter Pan, or even Wendy or a Lost Boy. I was Schmee, the Captain's faithful assistant. I will never forget Eric yellin, "Hurry up Schmee, the Crocodile is going to get you!" Schmee, of all people...Schmee! Ok, it was fun. Eric was the best pirate ever, bar none.

schmee was one of my favorite characters. I think he wanted u to be schmee so he could boss u around.
I know that is why he wanted me to be Schmee. Figures that would be my luck.
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