So on that note, how about some more random trivia regarding goldfish. If a goldfish is pregnant, its called a twit. That's right, twit is the official term for a preggers goldfish. Now, here is a question for you: Would you rather swallow a live goldfish without water or swallow a teaspoon of cold fish eyes? I know both options are gross but you have to choose one, your life may depend on it.

What a coincidence. We took Reece to a bait farm where he got to see some gold fish and some KOI. I tried to get him to hold a bull frog. By they way I would way rather swallow the fish eyes. But I would so puke afterward. I am not a fear factor type person.
I would swallow the fish eyes too...id just be thinking the whole time: They are just peas, just peas...while closing my eyes...but then id probably hate peas after that...
Tell Tisha I hope she's feeling better. It will probably take some time before she is back to "normal" though, won't it? As for the goldfish - I'd go for the eyes, I don't think I can swallow a whole one. Maybe if you chopped it up and put it on crackers with a little mustard...
Tami! Tami, you visited my new site! Now if i can just get Michelle and Amy back here, my plan will be complete. Everyone needs to comment more often...why is everyone so shy?
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