Monday, August 15, 2005


OK, I know this is strange....but everytime I think about my sisters scar from her now, I get terrible shooting pains in my shins. I mean if friggin hurts. First, I get a little tingle and then hurts like a Mo Fo. It's the oddest thing. I get it anytime I am forced to watch a medical show showing a hip replacement surgery or eye surgery, any surgery really. Yeah, and my Grandma thought I should be a was never going to happen...EVER. I can handle an emergency situation..but if I am removed from the action it is really hard to take. I'm not sure if I couldhave helped my Sister wash her hair for the first time today like our Mom did. I probably would have gagged...and just thinking about it is making my legs hurt again. Ow...Ow...OW! I have to stop it now...I'm going to go blog about good thoughts.

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