Hahahhahahha...OMG, I want him. With a face like that, how could you not love this fur ball? I was told last night by a well meaning friend that she didn't want me to become one of those old spinster cat ladies. JEZ! Lovely! I have no cats, no plans on getting a cat, and even if I did get a cat...I would never have more than two. Two is my limit. they will both be gray, unless it has a face like this monster. I really do want him, he's quirky.

Arghhh...you stated that you wanted to be alone your whole life and I responded "like a lonely old spinster with tons of cats?" I didn't think that suited you, in fact I said I thought you had so many wonderful qualities to offer to the right man and family that devoting yourself to a few lucky cats would be a waste. Before anything else I said gets twisted I shall just zip it. Cute cat though!
FYI "Dark Horse (noun): A horse whose capabilities are not known.
2. Someone, especially a candidate or competitor, about whom little is known, or who chooses not to reveal much about their own abilities, talents, etc." Just so you now I wasn't being insulting, you do like to keep an air of mystery about you.
me...an air of mystery? I'm a open book....except sometimes my little lock on the side gets stuck and it takes me a while to spill my guts. I wasn't really upset about that stuff....I actually laughed when you IM'd that spinster cat lady stuff. Could you imagine me sitting at home for years, shut in with cats. Um...no.
who is this cat? Twit is beside himself thinking you've got a new customer for your smackeral supply. He needs a fix and he says he can kick this cat's arse (that's what ill manners he's getting from Kissiffer!).
Raine, Tell Twit not to worry. I have never actually met this cat, it was a picture I found somewhere. I'll post a picture of Twitters acting as a look out when I was giving him some of his dried smackeral for his dix. It's serious business...fillig the tummy...no time for childs play. Oh, and I think you should put down some house rules about behavior. I wondered where Twit was picking up his cheeky behavior...now the truth is out.
Sally, cats are like people, they don't like to be poked and stuffed full of medication. I know he knows deep down that you love him. Poor Kitty...
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