Hi All: A friend of mine is selling throws. You know what they are, the thingy that you throw over your bed to keep you warm. I only have the one attached sample to show you now. They are $63.00 each ---- I know it sounds expensive, but they are really good quality. I am getting 2 --- one for my bed and one for my sofa. Have a look, and let me know if you are interested. Orders are due by this weekend! SAMPLE THROW - taking orders now!

I'll take ten. What a man. If I had that on my bed I would never leave my house.
I think you get a free pair os tennis shoes with every purchase of a new throw. Perfect for you.
LMAO. Sometimes I think you know too much about me. Lol
Sometimes I think I don't use enough of my knowledge about you.
Can you imagine the fun I could have if I let the flood gates go. Oh, Oh, Oh...just imagine. Are you scared yet?
Well a little and you know I do know a few secrets of yours so I think there are a few things that we should not share with others.
You don't scare me...I'm an open book of sin.
shhhhh, I changed my mind. I'll keep your secrets if you keep mine...lol!
Sally, wasn't this a cute post. I actually got it as a forward and I thought he screamed to be posted....or mounted, however you want to look at it. LOL. I'm glad I made you smile. I crack myself up daily. I don't know if that is a good thing..it has been suggested that it could be a sign of being crazy. With my family, I couldn't be lucky eniugh to be very normal, but it keeps life interesting.
Who wants the throw. I want the real thing. I didn't say that
Oh yes, you did, Aunt Vickie!
Where do I order those???? Tell me please!!! LOL!
Due to popular demand, the price of the throw has gone up.
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