Turns out, I have more than one house guest. I caught two on one trap. Gag, oh gag. I cleared those away via the outside trashcan and hoped that was all she wrote. Nope, seems like we got a 4 star rating in the Mouseville travel book, because I saw another mouse tonight. He managed to get himself in a sticky situation rather fast. Then I saw another one. Yeah, that makes three dead and another on the loose...probably more. Nancy said they have never had mice in the 15 years they have lived in this house. I've been here 7...almost 8 years and this is a first for me. GAG! I think a pregnant mouse got in here when we had some work done and the guys left the door slightly open for several hours. Hopefully I can kill them all before they have babies, because I find them creepy and I can't stand knowing they might be lurking around. I have discovered that they are coming into the basement via the door where the breaker box and the water meter is located. It's not framed in there, so there is a gap between the concrete and the studs. I'm going to carpet that entrance with glue pads. I have seven more glue pads placed around the base boards. On top of that, Monday morning, I'm calling an exterminator.
OMG!!! Nett, you are braver than me. I would have set the house on fire & walked away.
Darlene~ A mouse or two I can handle...if we had rattlesnakes, I'd leave everything I own and burn the house down. Thannk goodness I don't live in rattlesnake territory anymore...although, if I did, we wouldn't have a mouse issue.
Pesky little critter! My parents had squirrels in their attic a couple years ago. Ick.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO one didn't crawl up you leg while you were sleeping like I told him too hmmmm.
We live right across from a field. Every few years a couple of mice will find their way into the house. Hate that!
Fortunately, R does not mind getting rid of mice & I don't mind getting rid of spiders.
People should discuss this when they go to those pre-marriage classes...or anytime they're sharing a house/apt with someone. It could be a deal breaker.
I was just going to suggest the end part. GL.
I hate mice. They creep me out. After we moved out of Grandma's house, I had to go back and found a mama & 5 babies on 1 glue trap. That actually made me sad. Especially when I realized I was the only person there & therefore the only one who could get rid of them. That's almost worse than having mice to start with.
I hate the glue sheets. We use them at work and the only thing we ever catch is the broom. John seen one in the shed the other day. So he put out the pellets and the next day he said he must have been hungry they were half eatten.
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