Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It really works!

Part of me was skeptical about this glow in the dark yarn but after crocheting a few rounds of it and heading to bed, I discovered it does work. I shut off the light and noticed a strange glow from across the room. Yep, it was the yarn. Impressive. What am I making? A dolly blanket for the dolly bed that I'm giving Rue for Christmas. I'm sure she'll put her bear in it instead of her dolls but that's OK. She puts her "Baby" in the stroller and pushes him around. By "Baby" I mean her teddy bear which she refers to as "Baby." Ah yes, yet another thing I'm doing to avoid sewing together all those little quilt blocks that I just spent days cutting out. I'll get to it sooner or later.


Desperate Housewife said...

Glow in the dark yarn? Freaky! I'll have to knit something for the Boy out of it.

I find with quilting you have to be in the mood. If you aren't it just isn't any fun. You'll have to knit until the mood strikes you again.

Tami said...

Cool yarn! I sure could use a swearter. It's getting cool here in Nebrasky. (Was that too subtle?)

Actually, I should use that to make the kids sweaters. Then when we go out somewhere, I'll be able to find them.

Netter said...

DH~ Yeah, check it out! I only saw light colors but they did have a pale blue that was pretty. You will need a crap load of skeins. I bought them at Micheals for 1.99 each and its going to take 4 or 5 to do a 14x19 double crochet blanket.

I know what you mean....and I'm soooo not in the mood right now. Lucky for me too...because I'm sure getting a lot of other things done in the mean while.

Tami~It is cool indeed...but I h ate to be the person to tell you this but I can't make sweaters. OK, maybe I could, I just have never tried it. I think you should give it a shot though. Who are you kidding, even in the same sweaters, one of your kids will manage to sneak away and visit a rabid dog in the area.

Darlene said...

Glow in the dark yarn?? That's insane!!! That is the coolest thing I've ever heard!!! (well, maybe not the coolest, but the coolest with yarn!)
I wish I could knit!!!