Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Calling all Christmas cards....

If you are just going to chuck your Christmas cards after the holidays are over....maybe you would like to pass them on to me. I'm saving them for a project. I need a crap load of the pictures. If you want you can tear off the covers and send them to me.

No rush to decide. Think it over. If you need my mailing address, just email me.

You'd be doing a good deed by recycling them instead of sticking them in the trash.

Come on...you know you wanna.
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Rockstar Mom said...

I have always given them to Mollie's pre-k Teacher. Year after year I would call Ms. Mitzi and she would always say "YES!! I still want your old Christmas cards!!"

But this year I will send them to you Netters.

Anonymous said...

that's an interesting ornie. I like it.

Anonymous said...

My mom went upstairs and I have a whole crap-load to give you at Christmas.


Desperate Housewife said...

Hey, those look really cool!

I would send you mine, but I hardly get any! People don't seem to be into sending Christmas cards anymore.

Or maybe I'm just really unpopular :(

Tami said...

I've got a bunch for you too. I've been saving them hoping for inspiration to hit but it hasn't yet so you are welcome to them. Remind me when you get here. Can't wait to see you!

Darlene said...

Neat! Sure! As long as you make me one!