Friday, November 02, 2007


And I just wanted to stress: YOU DON'T NECCESSARILY HAVE TO GET THE ANSWERS RIGHT, for the Netter contest there are points for the most creative as well!

Please enter...the prize is pretty cool if do say so myself.

Hit the hyper link above to go directly to the contest.


Anonymous said...

And as an added incentive (though I know it's not what this is really all about, what this is really all about is our united love of Nett) I totaled up the items in the prize package and in total the Netter Prize is worth a grand total of: drum roll please: $200+. Not too shabby!

Netter said...

Holy CRAP! Are you kidding. Wait, can I enter?

Netter said...

Holy CRAP! Are you kidding. Wait, can I enter?

Netter said...

I totally didn't mean to post that twice but I'm always excited about prizes.

denise said...

lol that was cute nett

MiYon said...

Crap. So sorry I didn't get an entry in!