Friday, October 05, 2007

Home free.....YESSSS!

I got a summons to do Jury Duty this last week. I had to call in everyday after 5PM to see if I had to go in the following day. Lucky me...I had a large Juror number and they never got to me. I was dismissed and now I'm free from it for another four years. Oh yeah, life is good. I swear the summons could not have arrived at a worse time. We had guys schedualed for lots of work around this house. Especially the floor instilation which I cancelled once already. Well, I lucked out and got away without fulfilling my civic duty. I'm sure they will catch me the next time around.


Peg said...

I've been called twice &, so far, have just sat in the "audience" section watching other people get interviewed. They always found enough people without me. (Thank God they did - one was for a grisly murder) There are MANY people - including my husband - who never get called. How do I get on THAT list?

Darlene said...

Am I the only one who would totally be pumped if she were called for jury duty? You know, not for the dumb cases, but a really exciting celebrity case could land me on 'Entertainment Tonight'....or maybe even a book deal....

just me?

Priscilla said...

I would not mind Jury Duty. I have no daytime life any way. Yeah Right.
Really I would like to do it just once. My hubby has been called twice this year and I had to get him off because of work.

Anonymous said...

I have done it and I hate it. Just before school got out for the summer I had to report again but this time it was for the Grand Jury. Thank God I got of of it. Family might have had something to do with it. If I had been choosen I would have had to do it for the whole year. Not my cup of tea

Anonymous said...

I have a prize. For a Rain Recommends contest. It's a pretty good prize. I will think of a question and then Nett can select the winner. More to come!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, you lucky gal. I had jury duty a couple of summers ago for a rape/assault case. NOT fun. We deliberated for ten friggin' hours because of two women who thought the victim was lying because she'd been drinking the night of the alleged rape/assault. My experience was so not glamorous.

Anonymous said...

lucky you. but then again... they can be pretty interesting.

ollie1976 said...

I would love to be called for jury duty and chosen for a case. I've only been called once and got to read a book!

Tami said...

I was called for jury duty twice. Once I got sent home because they had enough people. The other time I volunteered for a case that I knew would only take a few hours. Hey, I got out of work for 2 days & got paid anyway and I wastaking an American History class at the time & thought it would be interesting.

Rockstar Mom said...

I have been called to Jury Duty a dozen times and have yet to sit on a jury. Bummer too because I'd love to sit on one. I guess my previous work in law enforcement has scared off a lot of defense attorneys and they dismiss me. One time I sat in a jury pool for a DWI that I had typed up the report on. I lasted about 10 minutes there before I was dismissed.

But I'd really like to sit on a jury. Either civil or criminal. I think I'd be fair. I told Shark I wouldn't mind being a JP one day. Or some small town muni. court judge.

Olivia Twist said...

Hi Nett~
Just came by to say hello. :-)