For the love of....
This is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. Seriously. I talked to the fence installers and they have never done a job like this in all the years they have been putting up fence. It's so bizarre. There are three different types...completely different types of fence in my neighbors back yard. It was ALL put up by the same company at the SAME time. It's how the neighbors wanted it done. I mean seriously, its strange...and they have the corner house so it looks like crap. Take a looksie..
Uh, yeah...and our porch sits up high, so this is the view we get if we look up the street like we are waiting for someone to show up. I know they put a big sliding gate on the side but there is no reason they couldn't have used the same wood fence on both sides of the corner. Dear Lord its ugly like that. Here, if you can't see the details of the THREE FENCES...I'll post better views. I the only one that this bothers? Now the funny part is that the block grid topped fence in the second picture runs all the way along the side of our house. Then when it gets to the back where the view for the bay starts, they put up the black metal see though stuff again. Yeah, when they did it, they took out these BIG old, lovely shrubs and Cliff about had a stroke. Of course there was nothing that he could do, because it was all on the negihbors side of our the short fence. They were totally trying to get the view of the bay, which I can't blame them but its going to bite them in the butt. Cliff already has plans to plant some large bushy shrubs that will take over and completely block it off. Things are going to get interesting around here soon. I'll keep you posted.
That is crazy! It sounds like the Mrs. wanted the fancy block grid topped fence, but I bet it wasn't available with the rolling open gate option, so they had to settle for the second type of fencing to get the rolling open gate thingy, and then like you said, they wanted the view of the bay, so they got the black mental....I mean, metal.
Gee, was that a Freudiant slip?
Are you sure that the fence installers don't live there and using is for advertising. I can't imagine anyone else that stupid. Not even rednecks would do something that bad. Theirs may have chicken wire and rabbit fence with a cow gate.You sound as busy as we are. Were getting Mother Mary ready for her move to Lincoln and her Auction. You know how much help were getting. I hope theirs a case of wine in the deal. I need it.
[chanting now:] LOLA>LOLA>LOLA>LOLA>LOLA!!!
I thought about the gate issue and the fact that maybe the block fence wasn't able to be fitted into a gate. However, I have checked it out and can't for the live of me figure out why not....PLUS, if that was the case why not put the gate material the rest of the way instead of just one side. It makes my blood pressure go up, just thinking about it. OMG, I swear!
Raine, I have a problem with the Lola pictures. I have a bad card, so I can't get them off of it.
You can kill me when you see me this weekend.
WTF? That IS bizarre and just plain nuts. That looks horrible. I can't quite decide who's on drugs... the fence installers or the people who approved this?? LOL
I think that the husband and (future?) wife couldn't agree and they compromised. Because they're in love. Or they are both to stubborn to back down.
That's my theory.
It's certainly strange.
Do you talk to them? Why don't you ask them?
Miyon~ It totally wasn't the fencing peoples fault. I talked to some of the guys that installed it and they were just as perplexed.
Kare~ It's not Doc Ray and his love bunny, its the married couple with three kids under the age of 3. Maybe the lack of sleep has something to do with it. I do want to ask them about it though. I just have to practice asking while looking in the mirror so I don't have a look of total discust on my face and I have to be careful not to say something like this, "Sooo, what's up with not matching your fence? You know, you are the talk of the neighborhood and the talk is not good." I'm just glad its not painted...every side would be a different color.
OMG-what the heck were these people thinking of?
Bizarre! Ugh, another bonehead neighbor maneuver. Sheesh!
I'm starting to think they have been hitting the crack pipe or something.
I tend to agree with Vickie// Maybe they got a good deal on the fence(s) if they put up the 3 kinds as an advertising ploy, but then there should be signs posted as to the company they got it from... no signs??? not a clue then, they must have saw it in a dream and thought it looked "cool".Can't wait to hear about the words that will be said after Cliff puts up new bushy shrubs!!!
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