Rue was teething while I was visiting. She was chewing on everything and her pacifier really helped her so a lot of my pictures of her are with a plug in her mouth. She chewed on that thing A LOT....but it paid of. By the time I left, she had her two bottom teeth in. I love these pics of her though. She is bright eyed and bushy tailed, full of smiles and giggles.
Just a warning. If you try to have a contest with Rue to see who can go the longest without blinking...she will win. I'm not kidding. I think she doesn't blink because she is so afraid that she will miss something. This is one alert Girlie.
Sniff, sniff, I miss her!
She's adorable.
I *heart* Rue Rue pictures! She is sooooo beautiful :)
ps- welcome home!
Nett, I just don't know how you stay away from such a cute little chubby cheeked smiling cuddle-bucket o'love! If she were my niece I would have to pack her up and take her home with me!
Raine~ I have made many comments about taking Rue home with me. The problem is that my Sister would hunt me down and kick my butt. She wouldn't even bother with cops, FBI, nope....she'd get me herself.
She's so darn cute...I know. Lucky me, she's my neice.
Jen and Cris~ Thanks!
Pretty girl! Bright eyes!
...and your word verifications are getting longer. This time it was ehxehwbm. Whew.
(Which of course, in Bloggeran means, all hail Princess Rue.)
cute and sassy girl!
Is she EVER cute!
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