Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's not easy...

I tried to call my parents for 45 minutes....busy signal....busy signal...busy signal! Now, most of the time, I'm the only person that forces them to stay on the phone for any length of time. When I finally got ahold of them, I found out what happened. Dad usually talks on the phone in his "dungeon" aka the basement room Mom allows him to claim as his own. Well, he was upstairs and because he wasn't on his "nest" aka sofa in the "dungeon"... he was out of arms reach of the phone base and didn't hang up the phone like he normally would. You see, if you hang it up on the base it ends the call. If you don't hang it up, you have push END. (I doubt he could even find the button without his glasses on.) So Dad was upstairs and basically left the phone off the hook for almost an hour because the phone base upstairs isn't located within an arms length. The funniest part is why he ALWAYS hangs the phone up when he is on his nest. It's so he doesn't confuse the phone for the TV remote. Sounds to me like that had happened several times. Figures! That is my Pop for you.


Anonymous said...

That is way too funny!!

Anonymous said...

LOL Sounds like something my mom would do!