Thursday, September 07, 2006

Super Freak, super freak, she's super freaky...

My sister called me today while I was at the grocery store. I hate talking on the cell while I'm in a public place but she said she had a quick question for me.

She asked, "Does Deanna still have your car seat?" (I took care of a little girl 16 years ago and I had a carseat for her. I loaned it to Deanna when she started her day care but she trashed it so I told her she'd just have to buy me a new one when and if I needed one.)
I said, "No, she owes me one though. Why, are you going to be taking care of someone's little kid for a while?"
Tisha said, "No, I'm having one."
I thought my cell cut out or something. Tisha has been told it would be impossible for her to get preggers without invitro and expensive treatments, if even then. She's been married for 11 plus years and has never used birth control because it wasn't an issue.

Here is the kicker...she has been very sick this year. She has had a terrible time keeping food down and has gone to the doctor many, many times because if it. She's had tests, she's had 3 pregnancy tests, she's had ultra sounds of her internal organs....kidneys, ect. but they never went low enough to see a little baby. Why? Because each pregnancy test comes back everyone thought she wasn't preggers and anyway, that would have been short of a miracle.
Her back has been killing her. She went to the doctor today and they took an x-ray which showed a fractured disk in her lower back....AND A BIG OLD BABY, so they only took one x-ray and had her wait for the doctor. It took a while for her to show up because she was looking into what medication Tisha had been on the last few months and if that would have caused any problems for the baby, thank goodness they have said that everything should be fine.
The doc comes in and tells Tisha that she has a fractured vertebrae and that she is about 30 weeks along. Tisha then said, "30 weeks along with what?" She was a bit confused. The doctor told her she was about 30 weeks pregnant. I don't think Tisha really believed her. The doctor had to show her the x-ray..which showed the baby, very clearly and Tisha had to lean against the wall. LOL!
So here I am,....yelling, "Holy Shit! 30 weeks!" Tisha said, "yeah, that is what they are guessing but I have to go in so they get a better idea. She also has to see a specialist in Omaha on the 18th.
Yes, my poor Sister who has been sicker than a dog for months and months, my sister who isn't supposed to be able to get sister who is due somewhere between the end of October and the beginning of making me an Auntie for real. This would totally explain the vomiting, the upset stomach, the funny feeling in her gut. She has never had a normal period and she's allergic to the main ingredient in birth control pills so they could never put her on them to regulate her, so not having one wasn't something to worry about. And look at what we have now.... She's packing a friggin muffin, Holy crap!
Now, for anyone that knows my Sister, she is a medical nightmare. She always has something strange happening...something hard to diagnosis. She's a total freak. Her doctors even said they hope the baby doesn't take after their Mother in that department. The nurses said that it was just pure luck that Tisha had that x-ray, or it was very possible that she would be one of those ladies that show up at the emergency room in labor and not knowing that they were preggers.
I asked her if she was getting a poofy stomach. She said she thought she was just bloated and she had been drinking a lot of water and eating healthy anyway because she was trying to keep things down and had lost 25 plus pounds from throwing up so she was trying to be super healthy.

I'm going to be an AUNT! YESSSSSS! Do you think I could talk her into letting me name it? way in hell, I'm sure.


Netter said...

I'm so excited....and she is an odd ball...nothing is ever normal or easy with her.

Amy said...

You know netter when you were back and you said something about your sister having all these problems, I about said something about her being pregnant, but then I did not, I guess I should have, because miracles come in all shapes and sizes, take it from a mom who has an in-vitro baby this is a real miracle. Tell her congrats! WOW, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Please tell your sister CONGRATS!!! She should have the baby on OCTOBER 22.. That's my b-day and everything else we have lands on the 22nd of each month!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for her. But now your mom and dad are going to be grandma and grandpa before me. I could not believe it when your mom called. unreal but tisha never does anything normal. Think about how lucky that Stater was if she knew that she was pregnant she would have went of on him more. Maybe not. Congratulations on being an Aunt. Oh Happy days.

Netter said...

I know, I know...its a real shocker...let me tell you!

Millie said...

The only thing I could think of to say when she told us was;You're not giving me very much notice here... I sure was not expecting this to happen.. Now I have to eat my words, as not over 2 months ago, I e-mailed an old friend who had asked if I had any grand kids, I told'em no, and the chances were very unlikely that I would have any.. funny how fast things change... O.K. Randy, you warned us, through Netter, but I really didn't give it much hope... Serves me right I guess..

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I was in such a state of shock today that I forget to say tell your sister congrats! What an adventure! I hope all goes well and that she is feeling better.

Cindy said...

Congratulations to Tisha and your parents. Oh I almost forgot to congratulate Dewey. I can not wait until Christmas. She should hold the little fella in until the 15th of November.

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting. I was about 6 months with michelle before I realized I was pregnant.I was also 38 , so maybe its an age thing. Tell Tisha congrats.

Tami said...

I am so happy for Tisha (and you and your folks). Can't wait to see the little one! I hope she feels ok with the fractured disk and all. Keep us up to date.