Sunday, September 03, 2006

A lesson from my Uncle.

I bet you think this is going to be about the importance of saving. Ah ha, you are totally wrong. When I was a kid, I had a glass piggy bank just like the one to the left. These banks do not have a plug to remove the money so if you put in a quarter, you could consider it gone forever. Atleast that is how it felt as a kid. When Uncle Randy lived with us for a while after he got into some trouble for messing around with the county attorneys daughter...he taught me a little trick. Yeah, when you are 5 and have a 15 year old Uncle kicking you out of your bedroom and forcing you to share with your little sister, well...he's lucky I even talked to him. Seriously, I liked playing in "MY" closet....and he would catch me in there and escort me to the hall. DANG IT! It was my room first, sheesh! Anyway, Randy taught me a trick that came in pretty useful. First you lay on your back. With one hand you hold the bank upside down so you are looking in the slot. gets heavy and if you are not careful, you will have a swollen nose or black eye. With the other hand, you take a butter knife and you stick it in the hole. You make little jabbin' motions with the knife and every once and a while pull it out. You will discover that it turns the coins so that they fall out, onto your face, one or two or even more at a time. BINGO! JACKPOT! EUREKA! Posted by Picasa
Now, the key is to sneak out of the house, cross the forbidden alley way, pass the post office and into the corner bakery on the other end of your block(the bakery sat where the flagpole is in the picture) a freshly made glazed donut, scarf it down on the way back to the house, without being spotted and walk back into the house a little stickier but with no one any the wiser. By anyone...I mean my Mother. It was one of those times in life when having a little sister was pretty handy...she made a great decoy.


Unknown said...

Very Cute Story!!!!!

Netter said...

Getting those coins out was serious business...let me tell you!

Cindy said...

I remember a HUGE ceramic pig bank that my cousin Delaina brought from Mexico to me. I started putting moaney in it and someone broke it to get $.35 for a candy bar. I was so sad. There was no way to get it out because it was too heavy to hold upside down.

Netter said...

was Moaney a cat? lol....let me guess who broke it....just let me guess.

Millie said...

Yeah, your little secret worked until the lady who ran the bakery asked me about it one day.. The plan was ruined!!!

Netter said...

Hehehehe...but it worked for a little while, didn't it!